Subscription Pre-Contract Information

Key contract information where you have purchased a shizl Monthly Subscription

Monthly Subscription

Initial Subscription Period 3 months
Subscription Start Date The date we send you an email confirming your subscription has been successful.
Fees payable: Start-up £36 per month plus VAT
  Business £66 per month plus VAT
  Professional £99 per month plus VAT
When are fees payable Monthly in advance, starting on the day your subscription starts.
Subscription duration and renewal 3-month initial period, then renews monthly
Cancelling your subscription You can cancel at any time. If you cancel in the first three months, cancellation will take effect at the end of the three-month period, although note your “cooling off period” rights below. After the first three months you can cancel at any time and your cancellation will take effect at the end of the subscription month in which you cancelled (for example, if your subscription started on 15th September 2024, and you told us you wanted to cancel your subscription 29th November 2024, your subscription would end on 14th December 2024).
*Cooling Off Period If you change your mind in the first two weeks after you have subscribed, provided you have not used or accessed your subscriber benefits in shizl, you can cancel your subscription and we will give you a full refund.
How to cancel your subscription – Email us at
– Through your device settings and/or your relevant App store
– By accessing your subscriber account