Terms of Use (December 2023)

Thanks for taking the time to read our website terms of use.  In this document when we refer to the “Terms” we mean these website terms of use. These Terms set out the rules that apply when you use our website, as well as providing you with information about us.

By using our website, you are agreeing to comply with these Terms. If you do not want to comply with the rules in these Terms then you should not use our website. We recommend that you print or save a copy of these Terms for future reference.

  1. About us

www.shizl.com is a site operated by Shizl Limited.  Where we use the words “we”, “us”, “our” we are referring to Shizl Limited.  We are a limited company registered in England and Wales, and our company number is 13786365.  You can contact us at 23 Orchid Close, Wilmslow, SK9 4FY. If you have any questions about these Terms or want to contact us for any other reason please email us at help@shizl.com.

The branding which appears on this website belongs to us.  Shizl® is our registered trade mark.  You are not permitted to use our Shizl® brand or trademark without our permission.

If we sell or transfer our business to another entity, then our rights under these Terms will transfer to such party.  Your rights under these Terms will not be effected by the sale or transfer.

  1. Using our website and the information on it

Our website and the content on it are made available for purposes described on our website. We update the content on this website from time to time, but we do not make any guarantees that our website content will always be up to date or correct. The content and information on the website is not specific to you and has not been tailored to your specific needs.  The information on this website does not constitute legal advice and is not intended to be a replacement for specialist expert legal advice and services.

The documents we supply on our website are intended for general use.  They are not tailored to your specific circumstances or needs.  You choose to rely on the documents on our website entirely at your own risk. We accept no liability for any reliance you place on such documents.  The documents and content on our website are not intended to replace specialist formal legal advice.  You use our website and the documents made available through our website entirely at your own risk.   We do not provide legal advice.

This website is only intended for business use.  It is not intended for use by consumer customers.

The information on our website (and the copyright and other intellectual property rights in it) is owned by us, unless we have licensed it from another third party, in which case the licensor will own such information. Subject to you agreeing to comply with our Subscription Terms and paying the relevant subscription fees, we grant you a limited licence (as set out in our Subscription Terms) to use the documents on our website and to benefit from the features available on our website. Other than this, you should not use or change any of the information you extract or copy from our website without our express written permission (and we may require you to sign a written document to confirm the terms on which we will allow you to use the information).  This includes any pictures, graphics or images we use on our website.  You should also ensure we (and our licensors) are properly credited as authors of the information.  You can also draw others attention to our website and the information on it.

We will make changes to our website over time. Sometimes our website will be unavailable.  This might be due to us making updates to it, upgrading our software or for other reasons outside of our control.  If we know our website is going to be unavailable, we will try and notify you but it may not be practical for us to do so.

Our website can be accessed globally.  However, the content on our website is currently not appropriate for use in countries outside England and Wales.

We may take action against you if we discover or suspect you have not complied with these rules (or we reasonably suspect that you have not complied with these rules).

  1. Interactions with our website

Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to other websites which we do not control or operate.  Such links are included in good faith, and we take appropriate steps to ensure those links are suitable to appear on our website.  However, we cannot guarantee that any websites we link to are appropriate or secure.  If you do follow a link to another website from our website, you understand that we cannot be responsible for such other websites, including their content and security.  You also understand that we are not endorsing or recommending a particular business or website, simply because we have included a link to it from our website.

Linking to our website

You can link to the homepage of our website from other websites, provided such link:

  • Doesn’t damage or seek to benefit from our reputation
  • Doesn’t suggest an affiliation or association between our websites (unless we have agreed in writing there can be such an affiliation or association)
  • Is to a website you own or control.

We may withdraw ask you to remove a link at any time we choose.

  1. Viruses and our website

You should not do anything which may damage or attack our website (and any third party sites connected with it).  For example, you should not introduce any viruses or similar items to our website or attempt to gain unauthorised access to our website or the hosting platform on which it operates. If you do this, we reserve the right to notify the relevant authorities and block your access to our website.

We take appropriate steps to reduce the risk of viruses infecting our website, but we cannot guarantee that our website will always be free from bugs and viruses. To reduce the risk of your computer or device being infected by a virus or bug it is advisable to maintain robust security mechanisms (such as firewalls and virus protection) on your computer or device.  We will not be liable to you for any damage or loss you experience if your computer or device is affected by a virus or bug.

  1. Your details and subscription account

We collect personal data about you when you use our website.  If you want to know what, how and why we collected your personal data, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

When you set up an account with us to use our website, you will set up log in details including a password. You must keep these log in details secure and not share them with anyone else. If we believe your log in details have been shared or compromised, we may choose to disable or close your account. Please let us know if you think your account has been compromised using the contact details above.

We use cookies to monitor use of our website and to maximise performance of it.  For information about what cookies we use and why, together with details about adjusting your cookie preferences, please refer to our Cookie Policy.

  1. Our responsibility for loss or damage suffered by you

Under English law, we will have different responsibilities and liabilities to you depending on whether you are an individual accessing our website or you are a commercial user accessing our website for business purposes. Our website is intended for use by businesses.  Our website does not cater to and is not designed for use by consumer customers.

  • We cannot (and do not) exclude or limit our liability to you where it would be unlawful for us to do so. This includes situations where our negligence has caused death or personal injury or we have acted in a fraudulent manner.
  • The extent of our liability to you is as set out in the Subscription Terms you agree to comply with when you use the services we supply on our website.

If you are a business:

  • We will not be liable to you for any loss or damage because you cannot access our website, you have relied on content made available on our website, or you have been infected by a virus or but which you believe originated from our website. This includes any liability for lost profits, sales, business, revenue; losses connected to reputational damage, loss of data, losses connected to anticipated savings or any indirect or consequential losses.
  1. What law applies to these Terms?

English and Welsh law is the law which governs these Terms and their use, including the resolution of any disputes connected with them.

  1. Updates

We may update these Terms from time to time.  We recommend you regularly check the Terms to see if they have been updated.  If you continue to use our website after these Terms have been updated, you will, by your actions, be considered to have agreed to the updated Terms.


© Shizl Limited.  All rights reserved. December 2023